Saturday January 27, 2007
The Theater Room at the Outdoor Campus
12:20- Registration Begins: Sign the attendance sheet and pick up a name tag. Become a member and pay your dues at this time. Free SDCA stickers are available and SDCA patches can be purchased. Look at photos of outings and check out displays.
12:40- Area Waterways: Jay Heath shares his experiences paddling interesting and secluded waters with an intimate view of nature. This will be followed with an opportunity to ask questions. Jay also has a web site featuring his experiences on water close to Sioux Falls at http://southdakotakayak.blogspot.com/
1:25- Modern Home Built Methods: Rick Johns will discuss some principles of several home built methods of construction. He has built or reconstructed skin on frame, and lapstrake canoes.
1:45- Annual Meeting:- Election of new officers with Vice President Alan Braaten presiding. Discussion of the coming year (Canoe/kayak festival, cruising, group activities and coming legislation). This is a chance to speak up, make a proposal, ask questions, and give your comments.
2:15- Short Break:- Take time to meet people and check out displays.
2:30- Sea Kayaking:- Jerett Bies shares experiences paddling a sea kayak on Lake Superior.
2:55- Paddle Craft Material and Design: A discussion led by Eugene Preston with questions and input from anyone with an interest. This is a chance to find out about modern materials and some of their pros and cons.
3:25- Canoeing/Kayaking – camping videos.
3:45- End of the Conference