For the second day in a row, I decided to head out to an area lake for a spring cruise. The forecast yesterday seemed to indicate two nice days with temperatures up into the 70s and sunshine. Since I had not unloaded my kayak from the cruise yesterday, I was all set to drive off after my morning bagel, coffee, and hour of reading at one of my morning haunts.

Lake Lakota is a part of the Newton Hills State Park, located about 25 miles south of my eastside Sioux Falls home and past Canton. As I arrived, the Department of Game, Fish, and Parks guys were completing installation of the dock. Other than that, though, the lake was deserted. There was no one fishing, no boats on the lake, and nobody around.

The temperature at 8:30 a.m. was about 50 degrees, and there was a stiff wind, like yesterday, coming from the north this time. I set out from the access point and headed over to the eastern side where there are a number of inlets that extend deep into the prairie. Slipping into these inlets that seem to wind into the landscape past trees and bushes is an avenue of exploration for the wetlands adjacent to the main body of the lake. I like this aspect of my tranquil cruises on area lakes. Wetlands is where I frequently spot wildlife and have the chance to be a visitor to an area seldom visited. Life on area lakes is really in the margins, along the shoreline and into the bays and inlets. Usually the only thing to notice when cruising down the center of a lake is the wave action.

After entering all the inlets along the eastern shore, I continued down to the southern end of the lake where the dam and spillway are located. The strong wind out of the north gave me a “following sea” with waves rolling under the kayak. From the south end, I moved over to western side and found significant wave action in crossing from east to west and then a stiff head wind as I made my way back to the northern end of the lake. There is one bay on the western side, an area of public access for fishing, and this is a generally a quiet spot on the cruise.

Continuing down the western side, I entered the arm of the lake that extends west into Pattee Creek. This is one of my favorite parts of the lake. Later in the year, it is covered with giant lily pads and aquatic grasses. It is always accessible, but this early in the year the path through this arm of the lake is clear. Visibility of the bottom today was clear at about 30 inches.

The western arm continues until reaching the culvert from Pattee Creek. This is an area where lots of turtles and frogs live. Ducks and geese also nest in this part of the lake. During most of the year, the vegetation seems too heavy for fishing boat traffic, so kayaks and canoes alone can navigate through the area.

On the cruise today, I spooked a great blue heron, there was a hawk soaring overhead, a beaver slipped into a burrow beneath a cut bank, and I saw my first turtles of the season. Approaching the wily turtles is always a special thrill for me. I try to drift up on the log upon which the turtles are sitting and capture a close-up photograph. Often, of course, the turtles sense me or catch some shadow or disturbance in the water that causes them to disappear beneath the surface. When I get really close to big turtles, I feel almost like a successful hunter. My trophy is the photograph shared with my readers.

Like yesterday, I spent about 90 minutes cruising along this really beautiful park-enclosed lake just half-an-hour from my Sioux Falls home. It was a great way to mark the end of March and anticipate many more cruises as the weather continues to improve here on the northern plains.